在米の統一教会信者秀のブログ 95年8月~96年3月7つの鍵で施錠されたマンションの高層階で監禁下での脱会説得を経験。
Saturday April 18, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are writing to you today with heavy hearts, but out of absolute necessity, to outline the official FFWPU position regarding the upcoming marriage ceremony due to be conducted by Hyung Jin Moon and Yeon Ah Moon at the Sanctuary Church of Newfoundland, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, April 21st.
The Principle makes it abundantly clear that substantial and spiritual salvation comes upon the condition of absolute faith, love and obedience to God, as modelled and demonstrated by True Parents throughout their lives. Upon that foundation, True Parents were able to initiate the tradition of the Holy Blessing. The April 21st marriage ceremony hosted by Sanctuary Church is being styled as a"Blessing Ceremony," but FFWPU is making it clear that it is not the Holy Marriage Blessing of True Parents.
Only the True Parents, True Father and True Mother, have the sole authority to bestow the Holy Blessing and to approve others to do so. The Sanctuary Church has not received authority or approval from True Parents to conduct a Blessing ceremony (and indeed has not even asked for it.) Their decision to proceed under these circumstances is a direct and deliberate denial of True Parents' holy authority. Indeed, Sanctuary Church leadership has gone so far as to say that they do not recognize any of the Holy Marriage Blessings performed since True Father's ascension as valid.
In recent weeks, the leaders of the Sanctuary Church have repeatedly made it clear in word and deed that they are pursuing their own independent course and do not want to be affiliated, associated with or part of FFWPU. We are further saddened to see how they have conducted a shocking and malicious attack on True Mother, challenging her authority and position as True Parent, and attempting in every way to foment confusion and mistrust among Unificationists at large.
ここ数週間、サンクチュアリ教会のリーダー達は、独自の路線を追い求め、FFWPU世界平和家庭連合と提携するか、連合するか、あるいはその一部として活動したくないということを、繰り返し言動で明らかにしました。 我々は、彼らがいかに真のお母様に対して悪意ある攻撃をしてショックを与え、真の父母としてのお母様の権限と位置に疑問を呈し、あらゆる点で統一信徒の間に不信と混乱を扇動したかを見てさらに悲しくなります。
This angry and unloving stance is further shown to be unprincipled by the two affirmations that April 21st participants are being asked to sign as part of the event. The first, which declares that True Father is the Messiah, may seem innocuous but in fact highlights the defiant and false assertion of Sanctuary Church that True Father alone stands as the Messiah and Savior. In fact, True Father's fundamental teaching, as consistently taught and practiced by True Parents, makes clear that the work of salvation can only be accomplished by True Father and True Mother together. To do this, they had to complete the victorious course of becoming one with God and with each other. True Father proclaimed that True Parents are one many times before his ascension and declared with his last breath that he had accomplished everything.
In a second affirmation, participants will also be asked to say that Hyung Jin Moon is the sole representative of True Parents' truth and tradition. According to the Principle, any such position depends on the fulfillment of human responsibility. Many times in the course of God's providence, God blessed individuals, families and nations and then had to tearfully withdraw His blessing when the central figures failed to fulfill their responsibility. In his current state of rebellion against True Parents, Hyung Jin Moon has by his own words and actions renounced and repudiated his position as heir and representative of True Parents.
Of course, all FFWPU members around the world continue to pray and hope that Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim will turn back from this path of anger and division to one of love and unity, and return to their God-given position. Until that day, we must be aware that because True Parents removed him from his former position as International President, Hyung Jin Moon has no official authority and position within our movement at this time. In particular, he is not authorized by True Parents at this time to give the Holy Marriage Blessing.
Let us be clear: the current actions of Sanctuary Church are unprincipled. In word and deed, they are unfortunately demonstrating all four of what the Principle describes as the natures of the fall: failing to take God's viewpoint as mediated through True Parents, leaving the position of filial piety and obedience, asserting their own authority and dominion in defiance of True Parents' guidance, and attempting to multiply confusion and dissent among members. They have caused a great deal of grief to True Parents and sorrow to our worldwide membership.
We urge all Unificationists who love True Parents not to participate in any ceremonies organized by Sanctuary Church. True Mother is leading our Unification Family with clarity and conviction towards the 2020 goals, in complete obedience to and unity with True Father. We all need to be united together. When we work as one, we can and we will succeed.
Finally, we offer our own repentance for this sorry state of affairs within our movement, all the more so since it is happening right here in the United States. We admit that we fall short in many ways. None of us desire schism and division. Let us return together hand in hand in humility and repentance before God and True Parents.
God Bless you and your families!
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Dr. Ki Hoon Kim | Dr. Michael Balcomb President, FFWPU - USA |
Our response to the April 18 FFWPU statement
The World Peace and Unification Sanctuary (Sanctuary Church) believes that Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, the person anointed by True Father as his representative and heir, has inherited the full authority of the True Parents on earth.
Together with his wife Chuksajang Yeon Ah Lee, Rev. Moon will exercise an important part of that inheritance on April 21 by officiating at a Holy Blessing Ceremony titled "Holy Blessing for Returning to True Father's Authority". This event will be followed by a worldwide Blessing movement whose purpose will be to enable all Blessed Central Families to return to True Father's authority.
彼の妻である祝司長李ヨナと共に文牧師は、「真のお父様の権限に戻るための神聖な祝福式」というタイトルの 神聖な祝福式で主礼をつとめることによって、4月21日にその相続の重要な一部を執行するでしょう。このイベントは、すべての祝福中心家庭が真のお父様の権限に帰ることができるようにするための世界的な祝福運動に続くでしょう。
FFWPU, the single most serious heresy to break away from True Father's orthodoxy, made its contrasting position known today in the following communication to its members.
May each person pray deeply for the guidance of God and True Father.
サンクチュアリ教会 Facebook(公式ページ)日本語訳サイト
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We write today about a serious matter related to Hyung Jin Nim's recent sermons delivered at the Sanctuary Church in Pennsylvania, which unfortunately convey many points that directly challenge True Mother's leadership.
For example, in his sermon of February 8th, delivered to a few but then made available to all on the internet, Hyung Jin Nim announced the dismissal and removal of all current leaders of the Unification Movement, and asked that members elect replacements. He went on to declare that the publication of the Heavenly Scriptures, and many other points of guidance given by True Mother since True Father's Seonghwa were "heretical," and he claimed that he alone has the authority on these and other matters.
We are confident in True Father's proclamation that first and foremost True Parents are one, and are the eternal subject and central figure of God's providence on earth. We choose to unite with True Mother and to work with whomever she appoints. All appointments by True Parents, including Hyung Jin Nim's, are conditional in that they require the fulfillment of a portion of human responsibility in unity with True Parents. If that responsibility is not fulfilled, then inheritance and blessing cannot come. We humbly confess that we frequently fall short of True Parents' expectations.
True Mother is decisive, firm and entirely vertical. While she confers and consults with a variety of leaders, she guides and leads our movement centered entirely on our Heavenly Parent, True Parents and the Principle. She is consistently urging us to focus only on those ministries and activities which promise growth and development of our movement, especially through evangelism and tribal messiahship. She is raising a new generation of leaders who can lead our movement into the future, and investing greatly in the education of all our youth.
We, as Blessed Central Families, have faced many challenges since the ascension of True Father. Members of True Parents' own family face the most challenging course. At the same time, we each have our own portion of responsibility. We sincerely urge Blessed Central Families to remain steadfast in our attendance to True Parents. True Mother is right here with us on earth. Uniting with her is the key to receiving God's grace and blessing on our families, our movement, America and the world.
As we move towards the 2nd Anniversary of Foundation Day, let us all renew our commitment to the love, guidance and authority of our True Parents.
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Dr. Ki Hoon Kim Continental Chairman | Dr. Michael Balcomb | Dr. Michael Jenkins Chief Financial Officer |
追悼 増田善彦教授 も合わせて読んでいただけるうれしいです。