今回の主人公は、一体何ものか?FFWPU USA(米統一教会)の若手のホープであり、現職副会長であるミルハン氏。ミルハン氏の奥方SAYAKAさんのお父上は、すっかり有名となられましたが「断食」で大変有名な井口康雄氏です。
FFWPU副会長のミルハン・ステファン氏と御家族FFWPU USA公式サイトより引用
Our Resignation from HSA-UWC
By Jim Stephens
Today, September 17, 2015, is my spiritual birthday. Forty-two years ago I committed my life to God, Divine Principle, and True Father.
今日、2015年9月17日は私の霊の誕生日です。42年前、私は 神、原理、そして、真のお父様に人生を捧げました。
So today seems like a fitting and proper day to rededicate myself to God, Divine Principle, and True Father.
Therefore, I hereby resign my membership in HSA-UWC and FFWPU led by Hak Ja Han.
I will henceforth align myself with God, Divine Principle, and True Father as they are being expressed through the ministry of the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA, and the persons of Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon.
I have kept mostly quiet until now because I wanted to be sure.
I believe I have sympathy for both of the sides, but “Decision Day” has come for me to decide and stop sitting in the midway position.
It’s not that I want there to be different sides, but that is beyond my control. I do not want to separate from friends and loved ones who might chose the other side and I hope that will not happen. It is not my intention to cut off anyone and I will not do that. I will respond to anyone who wishes to contact me. I will try to help you understand my decision if you want to know.
Some of my friends may be shocked by my decision. Some of you may feel betrayed. I’m sorry for that. Please believe me when I say this has been a very excruciating course for me to navigate my way through. It has struck even to the heart of my own family. I was even considering whether I might end up in hell or not.
どうか、私にとっても、とても困難な路程であったことと信じてください。それは、私自身の家族の心にも打撃を与えました。私は、地獄で終わるかもしれないのではないかとさえ考えていました 。
Please be assured that Hiromi and I went through this whole process together and we are as united in this decision as ever.
How did I go about choosing a side you might ask? Well, last night I watched parts of the Republican Candidates debate on television. There were 11 candidates all presenting their qualifications to be the nominee for President and attempting to discredit the other candidates. How do you choose who to support?
Well, for me, in the end, it’s not about who has the best qualifications in politics or business, whether somebody has the best debating ability, who has the most energy, not even who is young and handsome, or too immature, or who seems to have been faithful for 50 years. I want to know who God wants to be President.
In our church it’s the same. God does not use a democratic process.
It’s not about what I think or whether I even like the character and style of the candidate’s leadership or personality. I don’t get a vote. It’s about God. So my main issue is: “Who is the one that God has anointed?”
I started watching the videos of the sermons by Hyung Jin Nim a few weeks after I heard about the sermon called “Breaking the Silence” on Jan. 18, 2015. Up until now I have watched every one of the weekly sermons. Also I have gone up to Pennsylvania several times and talked deeply with my friends who are leaders/members in the Sanctuary Church to see what they had to say about what was going on and about who is Hyung Jin Nim and what does he want. This got me way beyond what is in the YouTube videos.
私は、2015年1月18日 の 「沈黙 を破って」と呼ばれている 説教 について 聞かされた 2~3 週後亨進様による説教のビデオを見始めました。現在までのところ、私は毎週の説教を全て見ました。また、幾度かペンシルベニアに行きました。そして、サンクチュアリ教会のリーダー/メンバーである友と何が起こったのかについて彼らがどのように言うか、そして亨進様が何者なのか、その願いは何かを確かめるため深く話しました。これは、YOUTUBEビデオ以上に参考になりました。
I watched videos of Mother and read her speeches. I talked to Dr. Hendricks and read Dr. Wilson. I was on Facebook many hours and days and weeks reading the back and forth of members on both sides until I couldn’t take it anymore.
We had Dr. Balcomb and his wife over to our house for dinner. I met with the local pastor and also the assistant pastor. I met with my son who is the Vice-President of FFWPU-USA.
I love all these people, most of all my son, who I will be hurting the most.
But I cannot continue in the current FFWPU/HSA because I do not believe what they are now teaching. I’m going where I think True Father is.
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