「今回の上告棄却のことを報じる“正義のサイト”はないだろう。全国弁連・日本脱カルト協会・学者のホームページなどなど(確かめて!)」~火の粉を払えこれについては、すでに「統一教会 拉致監禁 人権侵害 宗教の自由 英語記事の日本語訳」のYoshi Fujiwaraさんが、「後藤裁判の最高裁判断:拉致監禁グループの反応」の記事を書いており、「火の粉を払え」同様、やや日刊カルト新聞のエイト氏の記事 「最高裁が上告棄却=“拉致監禁キャンペーン訴訟”統一教会信者の勝訴が確定 」 (2015年10月1日付) だけということを確認している。
”正義のサイト”にとっては都合の悪い情報だからアナウンスしない。まあ、これはこれで批難されても仕方のないことだろう。でも、理解はできる。誰しも自分に不都合なものをわざわざアナウンスしたくはないものだ。より、深刻なのは米統一教会(FFWPU USA)。何せ、自分のところ信者の問題であり、アナウンスすることに何ら不都合がない。それなのに、公式サイトもFACE BOOKでも後藤裁判勝訴を報じてはいない。(10月6日午前7時米東部時間現在)米世界平和家庭連合公式サイト米世界平和家庭連合のFACE BOOK
当事者である日本の世界平和家庭連合は当然として、10月1日にFACE BOOKでアナウンスを出したサンクチュアリ教会にすらも遅れを取っている。サンクチュアリ教会 FACE BOOK
FFWPUとサンクチュアリ教会の奇妙な一致サンクチュアリ教会のFACE BOOK以外英語でアナウンスしていないか検索したらありました。FFWPU Internatinal HQ。英語で発信しているがこちらは韓国が所在地である。FACE BOOKでは10月2日、サイトで3日に報じている。
FFWPU International HQ FACE BOOK
FFWPU International HQ サイト
さて、ここで少し違和感を感じた。そう、英文に。10月1日に出たサンクチュアリ教会のFACE BOOKから引用する。
Japan's Supreme Court has handed Touru Goto final victory in his civil case stemming from his 12 year 7 month confinement by faith breakers.
Japan's Supreme Court on September 29 dismissed appeals by the defendants in the case and let stand a previous verdict by Tokyo High Court. This ended Mr. Goto's 7-year legal battle to receive justice.
Mr. Goto released the following statement:
I am sincerely grateful that the civil verdict in my favor has been finalized, and I want to thank everyone who supported me.
Following my release from confinement on February 10, 2008, I fought a total of seven years in both the criminal and civil routes. This was not just a personal fight. I also fought with the thought that I was representing the 4,300 victims of abduction and confinement during the past 50 years.
By the finalization of this verdict, the unlawful actions by Christian ministers known as "opposing ministers" and deprogrammers who received money in return for their exit persuasion efforts who had until now escaped legal accountability were condemned.
Also, it is important that the courts have stated clearly that exit persuasion involving physical confinement, even by family members, is unlawful and can never be permitted.
Perhaps influenced in part by the current case, there have only been two incidents of abduction and confinement during the past year (or perhaps I should say there have been as many as two). Also, we have seen that members, when confined, strongly protested and resisted and were soon released by their families. This is something that we had not seen previously. Such developments give us hope that abduction, confinement and forced conversion is coming to and end.
At the same time, I want you to know about Masato Ishibashi, who has been missing for 1 year and 9 months since January last year and is presumed to be confined. Please refer to the following website for details on his situation.
We must secure the release of Ishibashi-san as soon as possible.
Please continue to give us your interest and support as we work to root out abduction, confinement and forced conversion.
(signed) Touru Goto
President, National Association of Victims of Abduction, Confinement and Forced Conversion
次にFFWPU International HQのFACE BOOKから引用
Japan's Supreme Court has handed Touru Goto final victory in his civil case stemming from his 12 year 7 month confinement by faith breakers.
Japan's Supreme Court on September 29 dismissed appeals by the defendants in the case and let stand a previous verdict by Tokyo High Court. This ended Mr. Goto's 7-year legal battle to receive justice.
Mr. Goto released the following statement: I am sincerely grateful that the civil verdict in my favor has been finalized, and I want to thank everyone who supported me.
Following my release from confinement on February 10, 2008, I fought a total of seven years in both the criminal and civil routes. This was not just a personal fight. I also fought with the thought that I was representing the 4,300 victims of abduction and confinement during the past 50 years.
By the finalization of this verdict, the unlawful actions by Christian ministers known as "opposing ministers" and deprogrammers who received money in return for their exit persuasion efforts who had until now escaped legal accountability were condemned.
Also, it is important that the courts have stated clearly that exit persuasion involving physical confinement, even by family members, is unlawful and can never be permitted.
Perhaps influenced in part by the current case, there have only been two incidents of abduction and confinement during the past year (or perhaps I should say there have been as many as two). Also, we have seen that members, when confined, strongly protested and resisted and were soon released by their families. This is something that we had not seen previously. Such developments give us hope that abduction, confinement and forced conversion is coming to and end.
At the same time, I want you to know about Masato Ishibashi, who has been missing for 1 year and 9 months since January last year and is presumed to be confined. Please refer to the following website for details on his situation: http://kidnapping.jp/news/150321.html
We must secure the release of Ishibashi-san as soon as possible.
Please continue to give us your interest and support as we work to root out abduction, confinement and forced conversion.
Mr. Touru Goto is the President of National Association of Victims of Abduction, Confinement and Forced Conversion
同じ、「できる」でも「Can」を使うか「be able to」にするのかということだ。
ちなみに、サンクチュアリ教会のFACE BOOKに10月1日掲載されたものは、エルダー氏が自ら日本語を英語に訳したものであることは確認済み。
Landmark Deprogramming Case Reaches Appeals Court in Japan
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