Spouting "True Family Values," ACLC Hides in the Closet
Rhetoric at the 20th Anniversary "True Family Values" banquets held last weekend in New York City and Chicago waxed eloquent about religious freedom and restoring America's families, but when ACLC had the chance earlier this year to support ministers in Houston who were being persecuted for standing up for religious freedom and natural marriage, national ACLC cowered in the closet.
Leaders of the national ACLC and of its governing board were asked three times to publicly express their support for the religious freedom of clergy and citizens taking a stand to stop the gay rights activist mayor of Houston from using government power to subpoena the sermons and emails of local pastors and the rights of citizens to decide whether they want to allow a man to walk into a public women's bathroom just because he "identifies" as a woman. National ACLC "leaders" refused to give ANY support to the local Houston clergy (including several local ACLC pastors) taking a stand for religious and civic freedom in the face of government actions to intimidate them. True Father, who founded ACLC, was not known for being afraid to stand up for God's ideal, even when it meant risking his life. He must feel disheartened and betrayed watching what has become of the organization he founded to challenge America's clergy with their responsibility to restore the ideal of man-woman marriage centered on God.
ミホ・パンザーさんは、お父様のもっとも近くで侍り、仕えた方のお一人です。 その証は、お父様の香りに満ちていています。 Autumn Memories at East Garden イースト・ガーデンでの秋の思い出
by Miho Panzer ミホ・パンザー
Almost all of the leaves are gone. The mornings and evenings are getting cold. The autumn season is ending soon. I am missing True Father a lot. 葉がほとんど散ってしまいました。朝、晩は冷え込むようになりました。秋の季節はもうすぐ終わりをつげます。真のお父様がいなくてとても寂しいです。
I spent ten years at East Garden serving True Parents. In the afternoons Father used to come down from his room. On the first floor by the entrance there was a fireplace. 私は、真の御父母様の給仕をしてイースト・ガーデンで10年を過ごしました。午後にはお父様がお部屋から降りて来られます。玄関のある1階には暖炉がありました。
I used to wrap sweet potatoes in aluminum foil and put them into the fire for an hour. Then I would take them, still very hot, with steam coming out, and offer two or three to Father. He would peel off the aluminum foil and then the skin. Blowing on a sweet potato to cool it off, he would start to slowly eat it. I could see he was remembering when he used to eat "koguma" cooked on hot stones as a snack when he was a boy.
Father was very sensitive. If the sisters who were cooking food for him were angry or fighting with each other, even if there were many delicious dishes on the table, he would refuse to touch any of them, asking instead for instant "Noguri" ramen. お父様は、とても繊細でした。お父様のためにお料理をしていた姉妹が怒っていたり、お互いにたたかって(喧嘩して)いたりすると、テーブルに十二分においしいお料理があっても、それらすべてに手をつけられずに代わりにノグリ・ラーメンを所望されました。
農心ノグリラーメン 写真出展http://jp.nongshim.com/
Father would never go to bed earlier than midnight and then sleep no more than three hours. Often, early in the morning, he would go to holy ground to pray, even if it was bitter cold. お父様は、真夜中より前にはけして就寝されず、3時間以上はお眠りになられませんでした。 しばしば早朝には、たとえそれが厳寒の中であっても、お父様は祈祷のために聖地に行かれました。 写真出展http://www.familyforum.jp/2014/04/page/7
He liked to play a game of pool during the day, sometimes for many hours. I would offer him a chair, but he always refused to sit down. By the end of the afternoon, his legs would be thick and swollen. Even playing a billiards game, he was setting a condition, thinking of front-line brothers and sisters who could not sit down or relax. お父様は、時折日中の数時間ビリヤードをするのを好まれました。私は椅子をすすめます、でも、お父様はいつもお座りになられませんでした。午後の終わりには、お父様の足ははれぼったく、むくんでいました。ビリヤードのゲームすることさえ、お父様にとっては、座ったり、くつろいだりできずに前線を歩む兄弟姉妹のことを考えると条件でした。
One time I was struggling in my life of faith, even thinking to end my life. I packed my bags and without telling anyone was walking to the East Garden entrance, planning to go to a lonely spot to carry out my plan, but somehow Father knew what was going on in my heart and called the security guards saying that he was looking for me and telling them to stop me at the entrance if I was trying to leave. I can say that Father saved my life that day. 1度、私は死んでしまおうかと思うほどに信仰生活について悩みました。私はバックを詰め、誰にも言わずに孤独な道を行こうとイースト・ガーデンの入口に向かって歩いていました。しかし何故だか、お父様は私の心の中で何が起きているのかご存知でした。そして、警備員に「私を探している」と言うように電話しました。そして、もし、私が去ろうとしても入口で私をとめるように彼らに言いました。あの日、お父様は私の命を救ってくださいました。
Father's life was full of prayer, day and night. He was the most holy person I have ever met. I miss him every day, but I know he is watching and working hard at our side with us, even now. お父様の生涯は昼も夜も祈祷でした。お父様は見たことないほどに本当に神聖な方でした。私は毎日お父様に会えず寂しいです。でも、私は、今この瞬間もお父様が見守られており、そして私たちとみ旨を共に歩んでいらっしゃることを知っています。