Dear Families,
The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC), also known as the Unification Church of America and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification USA (FFWPU USA), represents our movement in the United States. For over 50 years, we have acted as guardians of True Parents' great legacy in the U.S., overseeing tangible and intellectual property as well as True Parents' priceless spiritual inheritance to ensure that they remain under True Parents' authority and HSA-UWC's protection, as True Parents always expected and directed.
世界基督教統一神霊協会(HSA-UWC)、また米統一教会そして米世界平和家庭連合(FFWPU USA)はアメリカにおいて我々の運動を代表します。50年以上の間、我々はアメリカにおいて真の父母の要請と指示に常に従いつつ、真の父母の権威とHSA-UWCの庇護の下に留まれるよう真の父母のかけがえのない精神的遺産同様実体そして知的財産を監督しながら真の父母の偉大なるレガシーの加護の下活動してきました。
Some months ago, we took action so that the Sanctuary Church, a group that has disassociated itself from HSA-UWC, may not use intellectual property under HSA-UWC's protection. We lodged a complaint with YouTube about Sanctuary's use of the Unification Symbol in their weekly service broadcasts. After YouTube acknowledged the validity of our claim, and took down the offending videos, Sanctuary briefly removed or hid the logo from their videos on YouTube.
However, they have resumed infringing uses of this trademarked and holy symbol, as well as the protected "Cheon Il Guk" mark, including in printed publications, signage, videos, and online materials. These infringing uses are likely to cause confusion as to the source and authenticity of the materials that they mark.
しかしながら、彼らは、保護された”天一国”マーク同様、印刷物 、 図形 、 ビデオ と オンライン資料 において商標そして聖なるシンボルの侵害使用を再開しました。
In order to continue to legally protect these trademarks, we must now take the next step and issue a "cease and desist" notice to Sanctuary Church and any other group that fails to respect True Parents' authority over these symbols and marks. We may also take additional steps as necessary to protect HSA-UWC's intellectual property.
We understand this step may be viewed as adversarial and we are saddened that the need for such action has arisen. However, we believe it is necessary to make these points clear for now and the future. We continue to pray for the unity of our movement, but we know that it can only be accomplished through unity with True Parents, keeping our focus on following the course they have set for us
God Bless You, 神の祝福あれ
Dr. Ki Hoon Kim Michael Balcomb
Continental President Director
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