"Very recently, within the last month or so, three people including some of leaders, eventually have committed suicide, why, these are not martyrs. They belrayed Father, Just like Judas Iscariot, and they're holding leadership positions. leading people to hell. leadimg people to separation from Father, Which in hell."
" Three leaders in one church the biggest producer for the Family Fraud in like a month, Can you imagine, people just commiting suicide,boom,one,the lady who was the biggest leader. she jumped off. what did she.bridge or someting? From a highplace."
As FFWPU-J informed your church through an email on September 12th of the year, your speech above is not besed on facts, and is a serious infringement of the honor of FFWPU-J and its belivers. In the email,FFWPU-J demaned your church to: elimanate the video from the internet, and make a video in which you recant the speech and make an offcial apology to FFWPU-J. However, your church has not yet done anything of sort.
1) Eliminate a video of your speech from the internet.
2) Make a video, in which you recant your speech and make an official apology to FFWPU-J.
3) Upload the video mentioned in 2) in the same way your church uploaded the video of your speech mentioned above, so that people can recognize your mistake, and that FFWPU-J and its believers can restore the honor that was infringed by you.
Becouse your church has not responded to the email yet. FFWPU-J is preparing to take legal actions in case your church ignores this request. FFWPU-J asks you to respond to this letter within 2weeks after you receive it