インド家庭連合会長によるレ〇プ。クリシュナ・アディカリとクマー・マノジは、現在刑務所の中。Chung-sik Yong と Robert Kittelは擁護。
Yong and Kittel unanimously declared Adhikari did not commit any crime and asked for prayers.
It is alleged other sisters were also sexually abused. Three more sisters ran away and are living by hiding and working secretly in New Delhi in fear of the Krishna Adhikari mafia. They cannot go back to their families because they are thinking the women are studying at university in Delhi.
Indian FFWPU members are going to observe a one-day fast on Feb 13, 2016 on the birthday of the founders Dr. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon (True Parents). A fast and prayer (24 hrs) will be held in protest of the world HQ not taking any initiative, and the misdirection of Dr. Chung-sik Yong and Dr. Robert Kittel in the recent rape case which was reported to the police.
インド家庭連合のメンバーは文鮮明夫妻(真の父母様)の御生誕日である2016年2月13日に1日断食をする予定です。断食と祈祷(24時間)は、警察に報告されたレ〇プにおいて何の主導権も発動しない世界本部とChung-sik Yong 博士とRobert Kittel 博士の誤った方向性への抗議として行われます。
Krishna Bahadur Adhikari is a Nepali national and the leader (with half a dozen positions) for India and his supportive assistant, Kumar Manoj, have gone to jail for this crime and betrayal as a leader to God and True Parents. It is a very serious issue, a criminal act and opposite to our basic Divine Principle teachings. This was done in India by a foreign (Nepali) national leader. This one day fasting is the beginning of much larger steps because of these unacceptable actions and neglect from any concerned leadership.
We asked for the full and direct involvement of our world HQ to this matter. The sister should be taken care of and been given heartistic love and care. Our members should be given spiritual assistance and guidance to heal the wounds caused by the actions of the National Leader and Asian top level leaders.
The Asian leadership want to conceal this crime and deliberately they had sent a wrong message around the world instead of solving the real issue in India and with Indian members. This kind of approach to a nation and to the people is to be condemned.
Instead of showing compassion and giving care to the sister who is a full time member – the torture and sexual atrocities and rape – the Asian leadership accused her and threatened her. Is this a church for peace??? Now this sister is getting counseling from the government of India appointed NGOs.
She was a full time member and number one fundraiser. She sacrificed her studies and dedicated her life full time for our church. She was assigned as the private house cleaner and later babysitter of Krishna, the National leader. She did all this telling lies to her own family that she is attending university in New Delhi. The culprit, Krishna, destroyed her purity, and utilized her physical body for his pleasure, (sexually abused her and other sisters) destroyed her future. Finally, she could escape by running away from the ‘World Peace Center’ (FFWPU/UPF HQ).
Krishna himself lied to the family members that these sisters are attending university. In order to write all the evil actions of Yong, Kittel, Krishna and Eknath one may need stacks of papers.
All this is satanic style of activity and we cannot expect such things from leaders who are supposed to be the representatives of True Parents. Robert Kittel is acting like he was the advocate of US president Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky case.
このようなことは、サタン的なスタイル(様式)であり、我々は真の父母の象徴である指導者にそのようなことを期待しない。Robert Kittel は、
He is very good at finding loop holes in the sexual immoral allegations and court cases. The so called continental director cum emissaries Dr. Chung sik Yong and Dr. Robert Kittel should both act like human beings with parental heart to deal with this issue. They should remember that they are the spiritual responsible people of these happenings in India and they will be held responsible in front of God.
彼は性的不道徳な申し立てと訴訟事件において抜け穴を見つけるのがとても得意です。所謂大陸会長兼大使のChung sik Yong博士とRobert Kittel博士の2人は、この問題を扱うにあたり親の心情をもった人間として行動すべきだ。彼らはインドでのこれらの出来事の霊的責任のある人物であるのを心に留めなければなりません、そして、彼らは神のみ前に責任があるでしょう。
However hard they try to act as good person or try to hide the truth, they cannot escape from God’s eyes. I hope they will remember and understand that. This leadership are pouring out lots of money to hire lawyers, and giving lots of money to buy members who can support them. They use each tactics to make division among Indian members and to make false witness in the upcoming trails in the court.
That may harm the future of many young people who are now members.
Our writings are in Indian English, and may find difficult to understand for some. Please bear with us.
We humbly request the world HQ send an independent senior leader (who is not from the Yong / Kittel team in the HQ), who know the heart of Asian members (eg: former CD Rev. Kim and a team of senior members) to India and listen from Indian members and find the truth about India.
This Nepali citizen Adhikari was ruling India for six years under Yong and Kittel. Ekanth from Nepal also protected Adhikari. Come and see what is really they were doing with all those money and support. The real result, the real spiritual situation. And report directly to world president and True Mother. Hope anyone who is reading this may report to proper people in Korea to reach up to True Mother.
If our humble request is still not met, then we may conduct indefinite hunger strike in front of the National HQ of FFWPU in New Delhi. The UPF Ambassadors of Peace have offered their full support to our sincere efforts. If that happens then it will be covered by the world media, TV, Newspapers, and social media. At the same time, we will submit a memorandum to the Korean Embassy and Nepali embassy with a full report.
We do not want to go this far but over a month has passed and no action has been taken by the world HQ – and we are waiting. Please pray for us. We want to defeat satan out of our nation and want to welcome God to our nation. Aju.
我が国からサタンを払い、神様を迎い入れたいのです。 アージュ。
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事件4) 清平職員が、公務中に失明する事故発生!!
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何もないのです。このような、性的虐待は一番心が痛いものです。地上でどんなに言い繕ってみても、霊界に行ってみれば、全てがお見通しなのに一体何を、弁護し 何の言い訳を仕様というのでしょうか?組織を守る事に集中するよりも、人の永遠の命を守る事を優先するべきです。組織は作り直す事ができても、人の永遠の命は失えば取り戻す事が出来ません。犠牲になってしまった姉妹たちの為に深い祈りを捧げます。