The Declaration of the Covenant of God’s Kingships
• I, Hyung Jin Moon, the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God, with all the authority endowed in me by True Father--the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings, hereby declare that all peoples of the Kingdom of Heaven, Cheon Il Gook, are sovereign children of All-Mighty God, Christ who became flesh and gave us an Immeasurable Grace by engrafting us to God’s Life, God’s Love and God’s Lineage. This endows all peoples with immutable and inalienable rights, that originate from their Creator, God Himself, through the physical Kingship of Christ established at His second Coming as the True Father, Sun Myung Moon.
• This Establishment of the Kingship of God, marks the end of Satan’s Kingships of past tyranny and domination over the peoples of this world throughout time. By the Complete Victory of the True Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the conditions were met to establish God’s Physical Kingdom on this Earth. However, due to the failure of Han Mother at the final hour, the world moves through a period of judgment instead of blessing and the providence has been extended over three generations to the Three Kingships of God. Now, as I, Hyung Jin Moon, take my righUul place as King of the Second Kingship of the Kingdom of God, Cheon Il Gook, I will declare God’s immutable and unchangeable covenant between God and the peoples of this world.
• In the beginning of human history with the Garden of Eden, God’s original world of freedom, liberty, conscience, and relationship with God was to be established. It was to be a world were the powerful archangels were to be the servants of the children of God. However, due to the Fall, Eve committed adultery with the Archangel and tempted Adam into sinning against God. Thus, the world of Satan’s domination over mankind was established and history has shown centralized powers, either governmental, religious or financial use artificial structures to rule over mankind sometimes taking freedoms gradually and sometimes eliminating them by brute force. God’s Kingdom on Earth must be established where the artificial structures of power, representing Satan, shall never again rule over mankind and humanity. The Role of the Kingships of God, must be to preserve and protect this covenant between God and the peoples of this world.
エデンの園での人類歴史の始まりにおいて、自由、解放、良心と神との関係の点において神の本然の世界は確立されることになっていました。パワフルな天使長は神の子らの僕である世界になるはずでした。しかしながら、堕落の結果、エバは天使長と不倫を犯し、 神に背き、罪の中にアダムを誘惑しました。このように、人類の上にサタンの支配する世界が確立しました。そして、歴史は、政府、宗教、また金融の偽りの支配構造でも、時々少しずつ自由を取り、暴力によって排除している人類に対して中央集権を示しました。地上における神の王国は、サタンを表示する力の構造が人類と人間性を再び、けして支配してはならないということを確立しなければならない。神の王権の役割は、神と世界の人々の間のこの誓約を維持して庇護することでなければなりません。
• It is the absolute responsibility of the future Kingships of the Direct Blood Lineage of God, to renew this pledge and covenant with each passing generation. Future Kings of God’s Kingdom, Cheon Il Gook, who desecrate this most sacred covenant between God and His people, represented as the “United States of Cheon Il Gook,” shall heap upon themselves every manner of every curse and will be ruthlessly judged by the spirit world and All-Mighty God. Let this be a fearful warning to the future Kings of Cheon Il Gook.
• In the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship Jan. 13, 2001, True Father, the Messiah, Lord of the Second Advent and King of Kings declared that, “Article 1 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven is that you will not stain the blood lineage. The purpose is to preserve the lineage, keeping it completely clean. It means to maintain the purity of blood lineage for eternity. From this point, the blessed blood lineage that has been inherited through God’s love and God’s life cannot be contaminated by the actions immersed in the habitual pattern of the fallen world…The second point is not to violate human rights, and the third point is not to steal public money (nak chwi), using public property for yourself.”
• Therefore, I, Hyung Jin Moon, the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God, with all the authority endowed in me by True Father--the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings, hereby declare the following Immutable and Unchangeable, “Bill of Human Rights of Cheon Il Gook,” for all people at all times, that shall NEVER be abridged or added-to, in their numerations.
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