I am currently in New Delhi, India and have read the First Information Report (FIR) (English translation) as well the Bail Application (in English). I have talked with legal counsel, family, friends and our respected senior leaders and advisors.
Unfortunately, this case was allowed to be filed under section 376 of the Indian penal code, which is specifically designated for rape cases. However, the bail petition presented to the court notes that, “it is no where stated in the FIR that she was raped.” This petition further states that “there is no averment [categorical statement] in the FIR that the Prosecutrix [alleged victim] was raped or (had) sexual intercourse without her consent…”
Supposedly this episode took place in a small 3-bedroom center where at the time of the alleged incident 4 men were sleeping in a room designated as the brothers’ room and 3 women were sleeping in another room designated as the sisters’ room. In the third room, where the unproven incident purportedly took place, Krishna was sleeping with his wife and 8-month-old daughter.
Our unanimous conclusion is that the national leader, Mr. Krishna Adhikari, is innocent; these charges are fictitious and false. We trust the Indian legal system will vindicate him quickly allowing justice to be served at the earliest.我々全員の判断は、会長、クリシュナ・アディカリ氏は無実であるということであり、これらの告発は、創作されたもので間違っています。我々は、インドの司法制度が機会があり次第裁判を行い迅速に彼の潔白を証明すると信じています。
<注>*1:当然ですが、容疑者(アディカリ容疑者)側の弁護士でしょう。*2:”保釈嘆願書”も容疑者側から提出されたものですよね。まあ、容疑者にとって不利な内容は書かないでしょう。*3:”推定では(…と思われる[いわれる]), …と想像される.”と訳される”Supposedly”が使われています。<研究社 新英和中辞典>事件当時、4人の男性と3人の女性が別の部屋で寝ておりクリシュナ容疑者と妻子が他の部屋で寝ていたという推定。<管理人>マノジ容疑者はどうした?と思うのだが、、、。根拠が身内が書いた保釈嘆願書だけというのは無実の根拠としてどうだろうか?せめて、被害者の主張する犯行日時は何時であって、その時にはこういうアリバイがあってこのような犯行を行うことは不可能である。程度の反論は必要じゃないかい。それに、被害女性の主張は最初の被害は公務で訪れた時だよね。”真夜中の公務”って普通はないよねぇ。
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