今日30日の午後になって元旦早々行われる仁進氏の説教の案内公文メールがようやく流れてきた。 たしかに、29日午後に来たメールにもあるにはある。しかし、見落としそうなほどというか、「Weekly Up Date」のビデオの下に”一行リンク”が貼られているだけという代物で、メンバーに周知させる気のまるでないものと言って良いと思う。
<追記> 仁進氏のミッドナイト・祈祷礼拝がキャンセルという情報が地の塩さん"からありました。
Dear Brothers and Sisters, 親愛なる兄弟姉妹の皆さま
We are writing to let you know that the recently-announced plan for Rev. In Jin Moon to speak at the Midnight prayer and the Sunday Services at East Garden will not occur as previously announced.
The traditional Midnight Prayer at the Belvedere Holy Rock, which will be jointly led by our WestRock Pastor, Rev. Drissa Kone, and FFWPU USA President, Dr. Michael Balcomb, will occur as scheduled. All are welcome.
We are sorry for any misunderstanding or inconvenience this may have caused.
As we enter 2016, let us prepare ourselves to come before our Heavenly Parent in prayer and fellowship, ready to both pray and act so that we can achieve the 2020 vision and bring complete victory for our True Parents work and for this great nation of America!
Dear Pastors, Brothers and Sisters, 親愛なる 牧師、兄弟と姉妹の皆さま
We are writing to let you know that True Mother has recently confirmed her support and encouragement for our former HSA-UWC National President, Rev. In Jin Moon, to once again take a more public pastoral role here in the United States as she develops her iHome church ministry. 真のお母様が最近、IHOMEチャーチミニストリーを展開している前米統一教会会長文仁進牧師に対して、アメリカでもう一度公的な牧師の職務をするように支持と奨励を承認されたことを書面をもってお知らせいたします。
An important next step will take place at the midnight prayer service that In Jin Nim will be holding at East Garden this coming New Year’s Day (Friday, January 1) to mark the beginning of 2016. All are invited, and members who plan to attend should arrive before 11:30pm on Thursday, December 31. 次の重要なステップは仁進様が2016年の初めを標す来たる新年(1月1日金曜日)のイーストガーデンで催される深夜祈祷礼拝で行われます。すべてのメンバーが招待されます、そして、出席予定のメンバーは木曜日の夜11時30分までに到着しなければなりません。
In the coming year, In Jin Nim is planning to present a sermon each Sunday at East Garden. The exact details have yet to be confirmed, and we would like to work this out together in partnership with our pastors and congregations.
We want to ask and invite all of our family to follow True Mother’s lead, and support her desire for healing and reconciliation within our movement as a high priority for 2016.
In the midst of conflicting claims by the Family Federation and by supporters of the Unification Sanctuary, I would like to propose a public forum in the NY/NJ area.Dr. Wilson, Dr. Balcomb, or anyone the Family Federation chooses could speak first about Mother's new theological innovations and why they believe these deserve our support. We could have a lively, but respectful, discussion about how to preserve True Father's real legacy to which many of us have given many decades of our lives. What do you think?