As a longstanding participant in the Unification Movement, I am OPPOSED to the use of lawsuits to resolve disagreements. I call upon the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to immediately CEASE any and all legal actions against the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA.
By the same token, I call upon the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary NOT to respond with a legal action of its own, thus bringing forth a never ending spiral that further tears apart the unity and harmony for which we all hope.
Precious donations from brothers and sisters should be used to help those in need and for education to bring God’s lost children back into the realm of God’s love. As an owner of Cheon Il Guk, I insist that my donations not be used for a contrary purpose.
But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:34-39 (NIV)
P.S. As a member of the 2nd generation, it hurts me to witness the 1st generation resorting to lawsuits to settle their conflicts. From my understanding, 2nd generation have a strong intuition to solve things through peace. This lawsuit would turn a lot of us off from the Church and have many further go their separate ways because this lawsuit is not a clear act of True Love that leads to True Unity! As a member of the 2nd generation, I want to see true unity under our God occur through peaceful cooperation. Even if it takes extreme patience on both sides! As long as people are sincere to principally unite under God, there would be no need to use force and coercion. Just because it is legal, doesn’t make it right! Gideon Raucci
P.P.S. I also call upon the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to immediately CEASE any and all legal actions against other members of our extended faith family – regardless of sectarian differences. This includes all lawsuits against Hyun Jin Nim and the organizations for which he is responsible, and all lawsuits against Hyung Jin Nim and the Sanctuary Church movement. I do not believe that lawsuits against members of the True Family and our faith community embodies God’s or True Father’s way of resolving differences.
In Sunday's dynamic service on "Kingdom Dynamics" Hyung Jin Nim commented on the Family Federation's legal action against the Unification Sanctuary to protect its "property," the Unification symbol and the "Cheon Il Guk" mark and terminology.
Consider the absurdity of trying to restrict the symbol and teachings that Father gave to the entire world and treating that as "property" that can be "owned." Who "owns" the Messiah's words? Wouldn't Father say that it belongs to those who love and practice his words the most?
Students of church history will remember that during the Inquisition, the Roman Catholic
Students of church history will remember that during the Inquisition, the Roman Catholic
Bible translator William Tyndale burned at the stake.
Church also tried to treat the Bible as its "property," persecuting and even killing those in Europe who translated it into English and other languages to make it possible for every one of God's children to have direct access to His Word rather than having it controlled by a centralized, and corrupt, hierarchy.
We are living in an historic moment in God's providence. All of providential history after Jesus' ascension is being replayed during these years after Father's Seonghwa.
Whom will we choose to align with? Those who want to treat the Messiah's precious words and creations as "property" that they can change, restrict, replace, or destroy according to their own whims? Or those who are willing to give all they have to protect, respect, and obey those words at the risk of their lives?
that they can change, restrict, replace, or destroy according to their own whims? Or those who are willing to give all they have to protect, respect, and obey those words at the risk of their lives? As Hyung Jin Nim said, we are fighting for the future of God's Kingdom
Re: Trademark Infringement of HSA-UWC's Trademark 世界基督教統一神霊協会の商標に関する商標侵害について
Dear Sir or Madam ご担当者様
On behalf of my client, Holy Sriprit Association of World Christianity ("HSA-UWC"), I am writing to demand that you immediately cease and desist from using HSA-UWC's famous trademark and logo as seen below. My client is the owner of this trademark and logo. and of the corresponding United States Trademark Registration No 3646838(the"HSA mark"). As you are aware, the HSA mark has been in use since 1965 in connection with the widespread and well known religious organization HSA-UWC. As a result of the longstanding use and promotion of the mark, my client has established substantial and valuable goodwill in the HSA mark. 私の依頼人である世界基督教統一神霊協会(※以下”統一教会”とします。)の代理人として、下記の通り、あなた方が、統一教会の著名なよく知られる商標とロゴ(意匠文字)の使用を直ちに中止するように要求いたします。私の依頼人はこの商標およびロゴ(意匠文字)の所有者です。対応するのは合衆国商標登録3646838番(統一マーク・標章)になります。ご存じの通り、統一マークは広くよく知られた宗教法人統一教会に関連して1965年から使用されてきました。標章の長年の使用と広報宣伝の結果として、私の依頼人は統一マークにおいて実体的そして大切な信用を定着させてきました。
My client is also the owner of the Cheon Il Guk mark and logo (collectively the "Cheon Il Guk mark") as seen below, which it has used in commerce together or individually HSA-UWC has learned that Sanctuay Charch has been using the HSA mark to solicit menbership to its church and for other purpose, as indicated in the following link 下記の通り、私の依頼人は天一国マーク(標章)とロゴ(意匠文字)(総合としての天一国)の所有者でもあり、それを共同してか独立して使用していた統一教会は、サンクチュアリ教会が統一マークを会員を勧誘するためにそして他の目的で使用していたことを知るに至りました。
My client has further learned that you have used the CheonIl Guk mark to attract membership and for other purposes. Your use of the HSA mark and Cheon Il Guk mark infringes on my client's rights to these marks. More specifically, such actions infringe upon my client's rights and constitute trademark infringement and false designation of origin in violation of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act (re15 U.S.C.§1125(a)), dilution in violation of Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. §1125(C)), and violate the common law prohibition against unfair competition. Available remedies for such activities include an injunction as well as an award of monetary. Moreover to the extent that your acts were willful, you also may be subject to treble damages and attorney's fees. さらに私の依頼人は、あなた方が会員を引き付けるためそして他の目的に天一国マークを使用したことを知るに至りました。統一マークと天一国マークの使用は、これらの標章に対する私の依頼人の権利を侵害してます。より具体的にそのような行動は、私の依頼人の権利を侵害し、商標侵害、ランハム法(re15 U.S.C.§1125(a))の Section 43(a)の違反である 独自性の間違った指定、ランハム法(15 U.S.C. §1125(C))の Section 43(c)の違反である稀釈化を構成していますそして不正競争を禁止する慣習法に違反しています。このような行為に対する可能な救済措置は禁止命令ならびに金銭的賠償になります。さらに、あなた方の行為が悪質であるという点で、損害賠償金と弁護士費用を3倍にする対象になるかもしれません。
This letter is intended you with notice that your conduct may result in legal action against you. I urge you to consider the possible consequences of your actions. Accordingly, I demand that you cease and desist from using any of the HSA or Cheon Il Guk marks. In order to resolve this matter without need for further legal recourse. please provide, on or befor May 31, 2016, written confirmation that you have ceased all use of the two marks and any variations thereof, including removing any videos, books, pamphlets, artwork, prayer books and the like which contain the HSA and Cheon Il Guk marks from the public use, viewing, or distribution.
In the evevnt, you need additional time, please contact us. この警告書はあなたの行為が訴訟になるかもしれないことを警告することを意図しています。私はあなた方にあなた方の行為によって起こり得る結果について熟考されるよう申し上げます。 結果的に、私はあなた方が統一または天一国マークのいずれも使用を中止することを請求いたします。これ以上の法的手段を必要とぜずこの問題を解決するため、あなた方が公的使用、視聴、配布から統一そして天一国マークが含まれているようなすべてのビデオ、本、パンフレット、イラスト、祈祷書を破棄することを含み、2つの標章といかなるバリエーションすべての使用を中止したことの確約書面を2016年5月31日かそれより前に提出下さい。 (期日以上に)時間が必要な場合には、ご連絡下さい。
letter is strictly without waiver or prejudice of my client's rights claims, and remedies, all of which are hereby expressly reserved. 警告書には、私の依頼人の権利の主張そして賠償についてすべてが明示されており権利の放棄はなく厳格です。